My Uncle Bruce is sick.
Today he is in the hospital getting a biopsy done to determine exactly what is going on, so many prayers on a safe day today and positive news for tomorrow.
I think that if I were sick - I'd like to hear nice things about myself. Mike says that this is probably true every day, but nonetheless, I wanted to write about 10 cool things about my Uncle Bruce!
So - in no particular order, here you go;
1. Bruce LOVES dark chocolate. He is skinny and fit and can eat an enormous amount of candy. I am envious.
2. Bruce can fall asleep anywhere which is a pretty cool trait. Sometimes I will see him asleep, and other times, when I think he is asleep, he's actually awake. I don't always sleep well - so this is impressive.
3. Bruce is one of the kindest people I know. I have never heard him say a bad word about anyone.
4. Bruce is a true gentleman. He always seems to be looking around, and is 1st on the scene when someone needs a door opened, bag held, or small person tended too.
5. My cousin Erica had baby Miles, exactly one month after we had Connor. Miles is Bruce's 1st grandchild - Bruce is a great grandfather. Miles is one lucky kid.
6. When my Grandfather passed away, and my Grandmother was scared about what the future held - Bruce was great about offering her comforting words and sage advice. This meant a lot to me.
7. Bruce is an attorney and works many many hours - despite being sick, he left the doctor's office after getting bad news to go to settlement with some clients. He is the type of person who would never leave people hanging on their dreams, despite having a hard day himself.
8. Bruce and my aunt really complement each other. When Mike and I got married, during marriage prep classes with our priest, I said at one point that Mike and I showed that opposites really do attract. Father Bill said that it was good to think of it as we complement each other. I think this is true of Bruce and Gwen too. I'm very happy my aunt married Bruce - he is a genuinely good man.
9. Bruce is very quiet and reserved. I admire how he takes it all in and seems to have good advice. I think I could learn from him, I talk more and should probably listen more.
10. Bruce has raised three great kids, Erica, Jesse and Josh. He is a great dad, husband and uncle.
* This is my Uncle Bruce and Cousin Jesse. Two pretty handsome guys!