Friday, February 27, 2009

3:45 am...

Ok...this time it was Olivia. Is someone calling my house every am to wake up my kids? This is totally unacceptable!

On a cute note, because waking up at 3:45 am is not cute, Olivia took my hairbrush this morning after I finished brushing my hair, and tried to brush hers. I say tried, because the bristles were facing out, instead of in, but very cute.

One of the 1st times that she has done something like that.

Waiting on the Bruce update. Hopefully he will head home today. Fingers crossed for good news.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Funny Things

Parenting makes you do funny things...

I just read my friend Carolyn's blog about her son Patrick.

She was observing that she had used the word diarrhea three times in one paragraph. (I can't knock her, because I use the word poo pretty regularly).

I wonder if someone goggled "poo", if my blog would appear toward the top. I'd become famous as the lady with the poo blog.

(My mom will be horrified tomorrow when she discovers this posting.)

Connor the Monkey Boy

We were in a restaurant this past weekend - and spontaneously, Connor stood up in his chair and scratched under his arm and his backside and made a monkey screech. He then calmly sat down and continued eating.

It was one of those parenting moments that you KNOW you were supposed to reprimand you child - but you were laughing too hard.

Eventually - we did tell him to sit down.

3:45 am

Connor woke up at 3:45 am today!!!!!!!

He woke up Olivia, Mike, Athos, Sam, Mo, and yes - me.

During dinner, we asked him what happened to make him wake up crying (screaming) at 3:45 am.

These were the listed culprits;

*The mos woke me up (Mo is our cat, there is only one mo, and he was in our bed)
*The doggies
*The bad man
*The mo kitties were in my bed - they jump on me and scare me
*It was scary
*Scary Pirate
*It was dark

3:45 am is very early.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Uncle Bruce

My Uncle Bruce is sick. 

Today he is in the hospital getting a biopsy done to determine exactly what is going on, so many prayers on a safe day today and positive news for tomorrow.

I think that if I were sick - I'd like to hear nice things about myself. Mike says that this is probably true every day, but nonetheless, I wanted to write about 10 cool things about my Uncle Bruce!

So - in no particular order, here you go;

1. Bruce LOVES dark chocolate. He is skinny and fit and can eat an enormous amount of candy. I am envious.

2. Bruce can fall asleep anywhere which is a pretty cool trait. Sometimes I will see him asleep, and other times, when I think he is asleep, he's actually awake. I don't always sleep well - so this is impressive.

3. Bruce is one of the kindest people I know. I have never heard him say a bad word about anyone.

4. Bruce is a true gentleman. He always seems to be looking around, and is 1st on the scene when someone needs a door opened, bag held, or small person tended too.

5. My cousin Erica had baby Miles, exactly one month after we had Connor. Miles is Bruce's 1st grandchild - Bruce is a great grandfather. Miles is one lucky kid.

6. When my Grandfather passed away, and my Grandmother was scared about what the future held - Bruce was great about offering her comforting words and sage advice. This meant a lot to me.

7. Bruce is an attorney and works many many hours - despite being sick, he left the doctor's office after getting bad news to go to settlement with some clients. He is the type of person who would never leave people hanging on their dreams, despite having a hard day himself.

8. Bruce and my aunt really complement each other. When Mike and I got married, during marriage prep classes with our priest, I said at one point that Mike and I showed that opposites really do attract. Father Bill said that it was good to think of it as we complement each other. I think this is true of Bruce and Gwen too. I'm very happy my aunt married Bruce - he is a genuinely good man.

9. Bruce is very quiet and reserved. I admire how he takes it all in and seems to have good advice. I think I could learn from him, I talk more and should probably listen more.

10. Bruce has raised three great kids, Erica, Jesse and Josh. He is a great dad, husband and uncle.

* This is my Uncle Bruce and Cousin Jesse. Two pretty handsome guys!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Mike and I are in constant conversations about what "is" and what "is not" acceptable for the kids to watch on TV.

I am much more conservative on the subject than he is. Tonight - I found a nice wholesome Smithsonian Kids program. We all sat on the couch for 30 minutes and watched some seriously cute pandas doing very inappropriate things to trees - and then to other pandas.

Slightly disturbing - but still, very cute.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feely Box Imagination

Today's "Family Communication" sheet from Connor's school reads; "Today I played the game Feely Box Imagination".

What the heck is Feely Box Imagination?

Some days I think - yup, it's worth all of this hard work to pay these INSANE fees for a good child care facility. Others days, I wonder what the heck are they are doing with our kids all day...

Tomorrow's mission must become; Research Feely Box Imagination!

Hopefully - I will still smell like cookies, people tend to be honest with people who smell like cookies.

Rainy Day Are Fun Days!

This is Princess Olivia in her fancy little rain coat! Thanks Melissa and Tabs!

Connor got in trouble at school for pretending to shoot people, so we had a little pow wow last night about that.

While getting ready for bed, I asked Connor if I still smelled like cookies. He sniffed me and reported that yes, I still did.

I said, "how about Olivia?". He sniffed her and said "Poop?". Maybe we discuss poop too much in our house. ah - they joys of the potty training adventure. My mom ASSURES me that Connor will not turn 17 and still be in pull-ups.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I still smell like cookies!!

Connor reported again that Olivia smelled like apples and I smelled like cookies. I like this guy!! 

My husband has NEVER said that I smell like cookies. I clearly need to get some cookie perfume for Mike ! :)

The "Accident" at the Toys R Us!

Aunt Gina mailed Connor some money for Valentine's Day, and he got a gift card from Toys R Us for turning three, so we went to go see what he might like from Toys R Us.

We spent a CONSIDERABLE amount of time poking through the store, and even more time was taken up by me explaining to Mike that we did not need the $200 race car bed. Mike had a theory that they might make it in a king sized size, and that it should become OUR new bed.

At the end of our excursion - Connor had an accident that involved the removal of his pants. We departed the store with Connor wearing only a hat, a shirt, a jacket, socks, shoes, and a diaper. He just strolled on out. Half of the parents looked at us with the, "yup - we've been there" look on their face. The other half had the "bad parents" look going on.

Trip to the B & O Railroad Museum

On Monday, my Mom and I took the kids to the B & O Railroad Museum in Baltimore.
Don't be scared off by the high ticket price, it's a great place.

They have on-site free parking which is a bonus in the city. There are tons of trains and two large indoor museums to poke around in. It would have been ideal if it were warmer, but still a lot of fun.

We hit the Silver Diner in Rockville for lunch.
A great day was had by all!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Big Girl is a Party Crasher

Connor was invited to his friend Zander's Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, and Olivia tagged along. (Hey - it's not cool to leave 1 year old kids home alone, even if they were not officially invited).

Olivia had a blast - turns out she is a little dare devil just like Connor and she went down the slide over and over again all by herself. The first few times I tried to sort of climb down the slide along with her. Not a pretty, or coordinated effort. Turns out, she was just fine on her own and had a blast.

Mike got me steamed shrimp, a card, and a heart shaped box of chocolates for Valentine's Day!

It's a weird feeling being married and happy with your family and what you've got. I can't remember how many Valentine's Days I sat all day wondering what Boy X would get for me or do for me. Turns out that when you are happy - he doesn't need to do anything, but the shrimp was still yummy. 

Happy Birthday Zander and Happy Valentine's Day to everyone I love!

The sniffing continues...

Connor sniffed his sister the other day and said that she smelled like apples.

This morning - he sniffed me and reported that I smelled like a cookie.

He did not specify, but I would bet it was a frosted sugar cookie, my favorite!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

More Lemonciello Please!

The kid's school had a Parents Night Out, so Mike & I headed out for dinner at a nice Italian place that was new to us.

We had a really nice meal - and decided to end dinner with a treat. 

I ordered a Tiramisu and Mike ordered a cannoli. Mike thought a nice Valentine's dinner treat would be to have 2 glasses of Lemonciello with dessert.

The waitress said "were you serious - you wanted the Lemonciello" - we were like, mmm...yes?!?

She appeared with two more desserts - Lemon sorbet, not Lemonciello the cordial. I was about to say "no thank you", when my non-dessert loving husband said "ok". So we sat and ate four, yes 4, desserts! They were probably laughing at us back in the kitchen. 

It's back on Jenny Craig this week, Clarissa would be HORRIFIED!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to us!!!

Connor had fun at his school party and Olivia got her 1st school Valentine's Day cards!

Valentine's Day Party Day!

Today is the Valentine's Day party at the kid's school!

Alas - it's at 3pm, and I'm working in another state - so I will not be going.

Olivia is wearing her fancy new outfit from Aunt Gwen.

This is us this am getting ready for school!

I remember last year - Connor got his 1st official handmade box of valentines and it brought back so many childhood memories. Fun times !!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Olivia is one slimy baby

Tonight Connor announced that Olivia was one slimy baby. See - my prediction that his sweet thought that she smelled like apples would not last long has been proven correct.

She went for her one year check-up today (it was late due to the flu) and got her round of shots. 

Her weight is back up from when she was sick, and she weighs in at 19.9 lbs. 

We will probably go get the big girl car seats this weekend.

Good on bums, not on teeth!

I put Desitin on my toothbrush this morning.

I am pleased to report that despite being in a morning fog - it did not go in my mouth.

At this point - I should clarify WHY Desitin was anywhere, where it could POSSIBLY end up on my toothbrush. Olivia was chewing on the tube of Desitin yesterday and I took it away from her, like a good Mom should. Unlike a good Mom, I did not return it to it's proper place, and it just got tossed in the basket of bathroom stuff on my counter.

While I'd like to somehow blame Olivia for this one, I guess the old diaper cream on the toothbrush situation is 100% my doing. And yes Mom, before you ask, I threw away the toothbrush! :)

Today is picture day...

People who had no idea, raise your hand.

Apparently, today is picture day at school, apparently, the school did not know either???

My children are not in school picture appropriate attire - Connor does have new shoes (due to a potty training incident that ruined his Spiderman shoes), but is wearing some weird shirt with spiders on it. aaaaggghhhhhh

Mike picked up the kids last night - and called me to report that Connor had no shoes and socks. Either, he was robbed at school, or the "incident" was pretty bad.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fun Field Trip

The kids are off from school on Monday due to President's Day and my Mom and I are planning a fun field trip to the railroad museum in Baltimore.

I think Connor will be thrilled! Olivia will be thrilled if they have cheerios and a sippy cup. Since I can make both of those things happen, I think we are destined for a great day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Da Big Chair

Kudos to Sara's mom on being organized enough to take AND (key word here) then download pictures.

Here is Connor at his party - they have a giant inflatable chair and they take pictures of the kids in the big chair. 

Also - a picture of Connor and his girlfriend Sara on the see-saw. Check out Owen scoping them out. 

Connor just learned the finer points of the see-saw, so this is pretty impressive behavior actually. No child is getting flown into the air or into the wall, so pretty good form.

Olivia Smells Like Apples

Connor wanted to smell my deodorant this am, it smells like an apple orchard (according to the manufacturer), then Mike's deodorant.

He went and then sniffed his sister and smiled and announced that he was sniffing Olivia and she smelled like apples.

It was super sweet. I suspect that in a few years, he will announce that she smells like mold or dog poo - so it was a nice sweet moment.

My kids are cool!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Olivia Being Cute

This is Olivia on the lookout for more panda sightings...

You never know - they might come to Virginia on an outing!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Zoo + Raku!

Ok - what a great day!

We went into the city to go to the zoo because the weather was so great today. We got there around 3pm and our friend Vance joined us.

I talked up the pandas to Vance, but alas, lo and behold, the pandas were in their secret panda bat cave, and were not available for viewing.
The background to the pandas is that anyone who grew up around DC, grew up with Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling. Everyone in the area was THRILLED with them. They were the lamest and most boring animals. I never saw the fascination. They ALWAYS seemed to be asleep. I'm not sure they were even real - they may have just been stuffed animatronic fake pandas.

The "fake" pandas passed away. Several years ago - the zoo "rented" two pandas, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian. Rented for $1,000,000  a year! Yes - that is correct - one MILLION dollars a year. Based on my experience with the fake pandas, I was horrified. Mmmm...maybe we should build a library or help the homeless instead. Renting a panda seemed like a crazy idea to me.

On July 9, 2005, they had a baby panda named Tai Shan. Tai Shan has reaffirmed my opinion of pandas. He rocks!!! The dad panda, Tian Tian, reminds me a lot of the fake pandas - he sleeps a lot in his panda cave set up. He is not in the same enclosure with mom and baby. Rumor has it he gets cranky at times, so they keep them apart.

Tai Shan, and Mei Xiang, the mom, run around and romp. I've even seen Tai Shan climb trees and play with balls. Vance has never been to the zoo, so my big marketing campaign promoting the pandas was a little disappointing because they were not there - but you should go and see them, they are really cool now.

Then, we went to my favorite restaurant Raku. It's down in Dupont, and I have not been there in years. Sooooo yummy - you must go get the green beans. Mary will be so jealous.

There was a brief incident where Connor actually crawled under the chair of the woman at the next table and was crying when I told him to get out - inside my heads, I was like "noooooooooooo, you must get out now, you CANNOT get us banned from Raku". I'm sure the city folk were like "mmmm...when will they wander bk to the suburbs and let us eat in peace".

Overall - the kids were great and we had a really fun day. Throw in a craft project, and it might be on like the top 25 list.

Goody Bags

Ok - I forgot the funniest part of the party. After all of my goody bag drama involving the dog - would you believe I FORGOT to hand them out?????

I'm an idiot!! Only the last few kids got the goody bags - so I plan on handing them out with the TY notes.

I guess my theory that the party would be RUINED RUINED RUINED without them was perhaps a little exaggerated on my part.

ha ha

An Awesome Party

We had Connor's Birthday party on Saturday at a moon bounce place and it was really great!!

Being a professional event planner in a past career, I'm a little torqued up when it comes to party planning, but two thumbs up to a smooth and happy day.

We got there and jumped and bounced and took pictures. We had kids ranging from just a few months up to elementary school. Babies Sadie & Caroline (and Olivia too) were on their best behavior and were awesome sports considering they just got to watch the bounce-fest.

A big thanks to Nick's Aunt who did a pinch hitting job of bringing him while Mom and Dad were out of town. Rumor has it she had to drive some ways to bring him.

In all 16 kids came out - thanks to you all. After much bouncing and running, we noshed on Chick-Fil-A platters and a Madagascar cake.

They have a strict rule about kids not bouncing after eating (think upset tummies and sticky hands), so there was a lot of wrangling of kids after eating. My friend Rachel compared it to herding cats.

Connor was ripping into gifts with abandon - so I think many of the thank you cards will read something like; "Thank you so much for coming to my party, and for the awesome loot".

My grandmother had strict regulations about mentioning the gift in the card, but I narrowed it down to three gift givers and 5 gifts - that alas, I cannot connect who gave what. Three is better than 16 I guess???

I loved that Connor had so much fun and is still talking about the party today! Will post pictures soon.

It's in the 60s today - I think we may head to the zoo!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Athos is still alive

We are still not speaking though.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And then I killed the dog!

I feel like the forces of evil are testing me.

It has been three weeks of grave unhappiness in the Primo Camp.

Today I returned home to find my office destroyed by one bad beagle named Athos.

Athos escaped from his family room confines and found his way to my office. He chewed the attached GIANT hole in the box of goody bags for Connor's Birthday. We are still not speaking to one another.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Olivia - Back in the game...

Olivia seems like she is officially on the mend which is awesome news. My Aunt reports that she went to work today, despite being sick all day yesterday. Still waiting on the report from Mom and Hank.

This is Olivia getting ready for school - despite the fact that I have no fashion sense, Olivia is a very stylish little lady.

We are getting geared up for Connor's big Birthday bash this weekend. The current dilemma is what to eat?? The standard fare seems to be pizza - but we've been told that since the party is so early - pizza is not an option.  It's Tuesday, so must decide soon.

Monday, February 2, 2009

One Step Closer to World Domination!

Ok - the Primos have officially taken their 1st steps towards Evil World Domination. 

My Aunt, Mom & Dad all report that they are now sick and I fear that our family has infected everyone.

I tried to play it off like maybe everyone got sick at the brunch, but I don't think anyone bought that explanation.

Connor at Sara's Party

This is Connor trapped in a giant hamster habitrail.

He is saying "Please break through the glass to hand me my nuggets"

Happy Birthday Grandma

Today was Grandma's Birthday, so in honor of her, a few thoughts.

I love tucking Connor in at night with a blanket that she made, I now have one for Olivia too which is really special - thanks Auntie! I miss her stuffed cabbage - even though Auntie could give me the recipe, I think it's way out of my league. 

I love the antique bed in the basement that she gave me after Grandpa passed away - it makes me smile when I look at it. It makes me smile when I think that I named Olivia after her only to discover that Grandma didn't actually like the name. When I sew, although not well, I remember sewing lessons in the basement at the house in Lanham. 

We were joking this weekend about how when Grandpa would get ruffled - he would call me "Carol...Gwen...Lupu...Jessica" - yes, I came after the dog!

I remember how she was the MacGyver of food. You would go to her house - and it would look like she had nothing in the fridge, and she'd offer you some food, and whip up a meal out of nothing. She always had fruit in a bowl on the dining room table and when you left - you were always given a pear or orange.

She could be feisty - but what a great Grandma, I really miss her!