This is a photo of Olivia in a teeny tiny hospital gown.
Why you ask is Olivia in a hospital gown? I was walking out of the house to take Connor his Birthday cake, the school called. Olivia was throwing up again. I explained that I was on my way already, and would be there shortly.
While I was entertaining three year olds - the teachers kept coming over to give me status updates - and by the end of cake time, it was official, she was sick.
We drove to the pediatrician's, who had the NERVE to be closed due to the snow. By this point, she had thrown up in the car, so I headed off to the hospital where she was seen last week. They take sick kids seriously, and we were seen very promptly. The got her some more meds to stop the throwing up and ran a bunch of tests and got her fluids.
They brought me dinner and gave her a stuffed ladybug, and this super fancy gown. (My friends Jon and Sarah and Declan would be pleased to know that she arrived in the fancy Ravens sweatshirt that they gave her - but she threw up on it, so we ended up in the gown.)
Ok - they didn't really offer up the gown, but I pointed out that she was naked, and that I planned on stealing it.
They think that she is still suffering from the flu, but may also have an infection, so they started her on antibiotics, and we should have the results on Thursday to see if se does indeed have an infection.
I will be contacting the mail carrier tomorrow to see about forwarding my mail to the top secret island in the basement.
Mike is better, Connor is in LOVE with his Birthday card, yet Olivia remains sick - we have only one more piece of the Primo Puzzle to fit back into place.
Get well soon my little lady bug.