Despite the fact that I work in the pharmaceutical industry, I will never understand why some things require a prescription. It's not like someone is going to start OD-ing on poison ivy meds.
Oh look, this package says that it will give me headaches, make my skin thin (?), give me insomnia, will make me thirsty, will make me gain weight, make me dizzy, produce joint pain, cause unusual hair growth, and will cause bowel "issues". I should totally start dealing this stuff on the corner - people will buy it in droves.
I dropped the prescription off last night, but they were swamped, so I had to wait until today to start taking the medication.
I really feel like they should be on the shelves at the store with a big neon sign that reads, "If you are REALLY sick, this is the stuff".
Also - there was a man at the Doctor's office with a face mask, and dramatic cough. He kept going up to the front desk and would say stuff like, "I think everyone in the lobby is afraid of my "condition" - you should really see me first", or "I'm worried about infecting everyone, they all seem uncomfortable with my illness, you don't have to see me first, maybe I could just sit in the back?". They kept asking him to have a seat.
It made me laugh inside. No, Mr. Swine Flu, you should sit down, and wait your turn. And no, you do not have Swine Flu. Calm Down !!!!