Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Great Primo Family Secret

Ok - the Primos have a big family secret, and it's finally time to let it out.

Olivia may be a morning person.

There, I said it. I can just hear the villagers getting their pitchforks ready to storm the house.

Mike, Connor, and I are NOT morning people. We love nothing more than lolly gagging about in bed. We like to sleep in, we like to be toasty, we like pillows, we like to burrow. Connor and I share the same "nothing can wake us up gene". I scoff at those fancy new alarm clocks where they wake you up with an ever increasing night light. Never in a million years would that rouse me. I actually have to buy a new alarm clock every few months, not because the clock portion no longer works, but because the snooze alarm function is not working.

In high school, (and probably college??), the family joke was that my Mom would have to poke me with a wooden spoon to wake me up. When Connor is older, we may have to have him go to bed in school clothes, and then just carry him to the car.

I think I've missed this personality trait because I would nurse Olivia in bed, and she would often go back to sleep in the am. For the past week, aside from the sobbing and head banging that has already been discussed, she's actually awake and functioning.

Not that I'm knocking morning people, don't get me wrong. My Mom is a morning person. They are really pretty impressive. I'll call my Mom on the way to work. Here is what I got done by 7am, I got showered and put on clothes. Here is what she got done, she got showered, put on clothes, ironed a bunch of things, did two loads of laundry, walked the dog, unloaded the dishwasher, and did a puzzle.

It's pretty impressive. I have a vision of Mike, Connor and I asleep, while Olivia is up early, calls my Mom, and they discuss what kind of sprinkles to put on the sugar cookies that Olivia has just made, and which of Louisa May Alcott's books might be the best.

My Mom needs to come on over with her wooden spoon for the rest of us lot.


  1. I don't understand morning people. Mornings are just so....early! Why get out of a nice cozy, comfy, warm bed just to DO things?? Crazy.

  2. (Wow, I had no idea my name is Kfm9DIN2n8wEDGyV7uHvX6sU (?!?!) Abby just calls me "Mommy"! On the other hand, the comment worked...)
