Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Library

We went to the library tonight so that I could get some more books on CD for the ride to work. For the first time, Connor was very interested in the library and wanted to get a Star Wars book. We went and asked the librarian for help. She found a Star Wars cookbook. I have NO idea what would possibly be in it. She also had a movie that was way out of the league of a three year old.

Then, just when I thought all was lost, she came up with this book. Connor followed the librarian around to find the book and he was thrilled. He promptly sat on the floor to read. I was all excited, and had visions of us getting his first library card, and he would become a skilled reader, and then he would get into Harvard, and become a Doctor.

Ok - I remained calm enough to only envision the library card. I asked the librarian - she looked at me like I was insane. She pointed out that then I would have to manage two accounts, and that could get really confusing. I feel like she was secretly reading on her screen about how I'm always late returning books, but who knows.

So no, we did not get a library card, but we did get our first book. Hopefully Olivia will not eat it - it probably costs $95.00 to replace.

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