Thursday, July 2, 2009

Banned From Spicy Rice Super Donalds...

I forgot a good story from last week...all of us went to Spicy Rice Super Donalds (Chipolte) for dinner. Olivia and I went to the restroom together while Mike and Connor got in line. While I was sitting with my pants around my ankles, Olivia started throwing up all over the ladies room, she was like a sprinkler and just kept moving around.

By the time I got my pants on and got over to her, the restroom was a mess, and Olivia and I were both covered. NOT GOOD. I sorted out the bathroom as much as possible, but had to go have the, "uh, I think the restroom has a mess in it...maybe someone should go in there with a mop" conversation with the waitress. I think she took our picture and hug it up and banned us from Chipolte.

I announced that we had to go, and Mike was like "why???". I pointed out large quantities of yack, and told him we'd meet him in the car.

Olivia was fine - I think she just ate something that didn't sit well with her.

Poor nugget. Good news is that we were there again this week, and people didn't throw rocks at us or anything, so maybe they don't know that it was us.

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